Avoiding the Pass-by-Reference JavaScript Pitfall in ServiceNow

A commonly encountered and potentially difficult to debug issue associated with writing scripts in ServiceNow is the case of unintentionally working with a reference to a javascript object property instead of the property’s value. This is most commonly encountered in instances where you are iterating through the results of a GlideRecord query. Below you will find an […]

ServiceNow application spotlight: Visual Task Boards

When your tasks pile up and you try to stay organized, how are you keeping track of your progress? Are you a traditional pen to paper note taker or do you use an online checklist? Either way works, but ServiceNow offers a great tool for staying on top of your day to day responsibilities. Visual […]

A strong culture is critical now more than ever — Women to Watch: Tech Watch

As a business owner, Mary has been in contact with several organizations, observing a variety of behaviors. As the world continues to battle the lifestyle changes from COVID-19, she realizes that a strong and positive company culture is crucial to have in place now more than ever. If employees are under too much pressure and […]

Configuring code linting in ServiceNow

Recently, Pathways has been working to update our coding standards and establish a new code review process internally. In the search for tools to aid us, we came across a great new feature in the New York release of ServiceNow: customizable linting for the script editor. A more detailed explanation of linting can be found […]

We Care: Helping our local organizations amid COVID-19

The current COVID-19 pandemic has caused many small businesses and non-profit organizations struggle to make ends meet as a result of social distancing and closures. During this time, our We Care community outreach program has continued to come together and support our local community any way we can. This month, we have teamed up with […]

ServiceNow application spotlight: Virtual Agent

virtual support

We understand that recent events might have your team looking for new processes or applications that will benefit your working from home environment. If you are a ServiceNow user, you know the platform offers an endless number of solutions that are dedicated to making your day to day more efficient. Working from home sometimes isn’t […]

COVID-19 and business: How Pathways can help ease the transition to remote work

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Helping our clients work from home — Women to Watch: Tech Watch

While some businesses are enabling offices to be re-opened, many are still requesting their employees to stay home and work remotely. Working remote can be a challenge, but the Pathways team is here to help. Whether your organization needs a helping hand transitioning to remote work or you’re looking for ways to enhance your team’s […]

Three-tier dependencies in ServiceNow: A common pitfall

Disclaimer: This is an option, but our team at Pathways always recommends refraining from using three-tier dependencies. Sometimes our customers fall into the pitfalls of three-tier dependencies, a common “solution.” This article states why we think you should stay away from this idea.   When configuring a three-tier hierarchy, there are several caveats that need […]