Increase of Women at Pathways — Women to Watch: Tech Watch

Women in technology, where are you?

In the past, is has been a challenge finding female candidates to play a variety of technical roles at Pathways. However, in the last 18 months our female staff has grown by 125%! These women have taken on the roles of: Business Analyst, Quality Testing and developer. There are also individuals with no technical background now looking into technical skills they can add to their resume, recognizing the future that technology will play and the opportunities that will be available to them by adding these skillsets. Mary believes a lack of women in technology can lead to a decrease in performance and profits, creating a missed opportunity for businesses. Therefore, ensuring that there is a good balance of women leading and working in the workplace just makes for good business.

Tune in for Mary’s thoughts below as she continues her series on the lack of women in technology for this week’s Tech Watch on Women to Watch with Sue Rocco. If you would like to share your thoughts with Mary, feel free to reach her at

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