TrainingPath: Field Types and Usage

Whether you’re submitting requests or fulfilling them, ServiceNow has consistent field types that you’ll use across the platform. This consistency across applications and modules helps to make ServiceNow more approachable, even if you’re a first-time user. Let us help you figure out what each field type is used for:

TrainingPath: Using the Knowledge Base

ServiceNow’s Knowledge Base is incredibly versatile and can help your teams resolve issues without opening a ticket. Find out more by watching our video:

TrainingPath: Submitting Incidents

Submitting Incident tickets inside of ServiceNow might be difficult to understand for a newcomer to the system. Watch our video to get you started on entering your own Incidents:

TrainingPath: Header Use

The Header section in ServiceNow has a multitude of powerful settings. Find out how to utilize these features by watching the video below:

TrainingPath: List View Customizations

Did you know you could modify a list view to show only the information you needed to see? Let us walk you through the process; click on the video to see how it’s done!

TrainingPath: Navigator Use

In our inaugural ServiceNow training video, Pathways will walk you through the basics of using the Application Navigator.