Within the recent London and Madrid releases from ServiceNow, Project Portfolio Management has seen some remarkable upgrades that some users may have not noticed yet.
These new features and reporting capabilities serve as a huge timesaver – bringing everything you need for PPM all onto one unified platform in ServiceNow. As a user, you now have access to all information about the project itself all on one screen, instead of having to manually switch back and forth between tabs and forms or other access systems.
With PPM, you have full visibility of the project lifecycle. Some of the ideas, demands and enhancements discussed during the starting process can all be seen on the project workbench – helping you flow more naturally throughout the ServiceNow lifecycle. Even if you’re working on multiple projects at one time, all of that data is readily available on that same platform.
In addition, PPM will list each individual working on that project, the status of your existing budget, resource plans and the timecards for each employee – all contributing to an efficient project plan.
Over the course of using ServiceNow for several years and implementing a number of projects, Project Portfolio Management has become one of Pathways’ product specializations. Our team has noticed that these updates made in London and Madrid have been well received from our clients following implementations.
Curious to learn more about what Project Portfolio Management can do for you? Contact a member of our team for more information.